The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
If you have any questions please call Brady Bala 404-456-4333.
Available for Friday July 15
Hello, I hope this finds you all doing well. The market is open and ready for orders. We have lots of great goodies available this week. The peppers are coming in along with the okra and next rounds of summer squash, pole beans and more. Hope to have our first Cherokee purple tomatoes soon.
On another note, my beautiful granddaughter was born Saturday night at 10:09. Amelia Regan (Dorathy) Bala weighed in at 7lbs 5oz. She is 19" tall. Mom and baby are doing great and dad is to.
Thank you for all your support. We will see you on Friday between 5-7 at Copy Central.