The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

If you have any questions please call Brady Bala 404-456-4333.

View the Complete Weblog

Available for Friday March 27

I hope this finds you all doing well. The market is open and ready for orders. We have a nice selection of fresh grown produce along with plenty of pork and farm fresh eggs. We also have the finest water buffalo and alpaca ready for you to enjoy.

We will see you on Friday between 5-7 at Copy Central (1264 Parker Road)

Thank you for all your support and please remember to share us with a friend.

Thank you,
Brady Bala
Market manager

PS: if you are interested in a BBQ pig for a family function, church event, fund raiser or any other event you may contact Taylorganic or Double B Farm. We both have pigs from 25lbs to 250lbs ready to cook.